Return Policy
At Yaqeen Trading, we aim to ensure a smooth and satisfying shopping experience for our valued customers. Please read our return policy carefully, especially in relation to purchases made using the cash-on-delivery method.
Cash on Delivery (COD) Returns
For orders paid via Cash on Delivery (COD), we offer the convenience of inspecting the items upon delivery. If, upon inspection at the time of delivery, you find that the received items do not meet your expectations or are damaged, you have the option to return the product immediately to the delivery agent.
Post-Delivery Return Policy
We understand that some instances may not allow for immediate inspection or return upon delivery. Therefore, for scenarios where immediate inspection or return is not possible, please note the following:
- Yaqeen Trading accepts returns only at the time of delivery if the product is not as expected or damaged.
- After the order is accepted and payment is made in cash on delivery, we do not accept any return, cancellation, or refund requests.
· We encourage our customers to carefully review and verify the items at the time of delivery to ensure satisfaction.
Exceptions to the Return Policy
It’s important to note that once the product is accepted and payment is made through the cash-on-delivery method, Yaqeen Trading does not entertain any return, exchange, cancellation, or refund requests.